Hello everyone, we hope you enjoyed the summer well :-)
On our side, we have plenty of new products to present to you before the start of the school year!
Today we will start with the publication of our roadmap.
Here at Kuzzle we strive to listen to what our community and our clients say about our product, making it better and more suited for a very large range of usages.
As you know, we believe in the benefits of open source and free software.
That's why we decided, like our source code, to publish our product roadmap so everyone can be informed and express themselves on the evolution of Kuzzle.
This roadmap is very important to us: thanks to it and your contributions, we will prioritize the features according to your needs.
After looking for various solutions to publish our roadmap, we finally decided to use a tool that many already know: Trello.
Each feature is represented by a Trello card and is classified into one of the 4 categories:
This way everyone can share the vision of the features that will soon be integrated into Kuzzle.
The cards are completed by tags that indicate if the functionality is more relevant to IoT or mobile developers, if it is in the heart of Kuzzle or if it is a plugin, etc.
The Next Release tag indicates that this feature will most likely be delivered by the next quarterly release.
It is very important for us to collect as much feedback as possible about how Kuzzle is used.
That is why we are giving everyone the opportunity to vote for the features that they find interesting. So if you see that the GraphQL plugin is highly voted, then its development might become a priority. ;)
Always in a process of opening up to feedback from our users, we also want you to share with us your ideas for new features for Kuzzle.
To do this, you can use the request form for a new feature on Github
Then fill in the different parts of the form so that we can better understand the functionality. If it seems relevant to us, we will add it to our roadmap!
We hope you will take the time to come and contribute to Kuzzle's progress through the roadmap!
In the meantime, feel free to come and talk to us on Discord or by email ;)