Why you can't secure a React Native (or any frontend) application

I am always quite surprised to hear about frontend application security because precisely a frontend application runs on the user's device and thus cannot be secured. It must ...
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Efficiently iterate on Javascript arrays

In Javascript, arrays are one of the most widely used data structures.
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Kuzzle v2.0 Released

Kuzzle version 1.0.0 was released 2 years ago. After a lot of (great) work and the development of dozens of new exciting features and dozens of minor versions, we are very ...
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From idea to feature, what is the life cycle of an open source product?

As you know, Kuzzle is an open source product whose entire code is freely available on Github.
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Meet Kuzzle at the Paris Open Source Summit 2019

Kuzzle is back at the 5th edition of the Paris Open-Source Summit which will take place on 10 & 11 December 2019 at the Docks de Paris - Dock Pullman. The Paris Open Source Summit ...
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Kuzzle and Actility enter into a partnership to simplify the deployment of LoRaWAN projects

At IBS and Smart City Paris 2019, Actility, the global leader in LoRaWAN Low Power IoT networks and Kuzzle, publisher of Europe's first Open-Source backend platform for IoT and ...
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